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Using OpenLDAP 2.0.7 for authentication
Let me begin by saying that OpenLDAP 2.0.7 is a great piece of software.
Here are some facts about my installation: OS = Red Hat 7.0, OpenLDAP
version = 2.0.7 (tar ball, not RPM), Compile options = Defaults
(./configure, make, make install).
My intentions for LDAP is to utilize it for authenticating services as well
as a user directory. I want to use Kerberos as the encryption scheme. I'm
having trouble adding groups. Each time I attempt to create an LDIF import
file contaning group objects I get error messages. How do you create
groups? I've been successful is creating Organizations, Organizational
Units, and Users (the Person OjbectClass). Also, how do I assign users (the
Person objectclass) passwords? My experience with LDAP thus far has been
limited to Novell's NDS and MS's Active Directory. Any advise would be
appreciated. I'm sorry if these questions are elementary, but I've had a
hard time finding a good OpenLDAP users manual (any recommendations would be
John Humphrey
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