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AW: LDAP client(Netscape)
Even if this is not a forum for netscape products
let me help a little ;o) ...
Look into the Netscape-Guides (Online Help within
your netscape directory server):
Netscape Guides:
*Netscape Directory Server Installation Guide
*The Directory Server Gateway
*Configuring the Gateway
*Customizing Your Gateway
You'll find the path to
There you're able to design other Pulldown-Entries and to
connect them with search-criterias.
I'm not using that gateway so I'm not able to send you
hints & tips.
Hope that helps,
Holger Kundt
Hello everyone,
I am having Netscape gateway client to my LDAP directory services.I am
designing this for my school. The directory structure looks exactly like
o = ecs.csus.edu
ou= faculty ou = student
In the "standard search" form of netscape gateway, it appears like
"Find" "Pulldown menu(person,NT-person,NT-groups(etc))" within ecs.csus.edu.
Now, in place of person,NT ...etc..I want only "faculty,student" to be
If any one is working with Netscape gateway, can anyone please guide me how
and what should I change?
Thanks in advance,
ps.: My ISP does not provide newsfeed, so I don't have access to netscape
news group.so please guide.
Holger Kundt
e.fellows.net GmbH & Co. KG
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