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Re: Limits of OpenLDAP

The environement is:

- Sun E420R (2x400 MHz)/2 GB RAM
- Solaris 2.7/UFS
- Directory with 2.4 Millions of entries
- Running on single server
- Openldap 1.2 w/Berkeley DB 2.7.7
- OpenLDAP 2.0.7 w/Berkeley 2.7.7 and 3.1.1

I have this problems:

- OpenLDAP 1.2 return error code 32 for some entries but when i try to
add this entries OpenLDAP say that the entries already exists ( In a
directory with 2 M of entries or more but not for 200/300K entries);
- OpenLDAP 2.0.7 is to slow (to generate indexes) to make an ldif2db
(slapadd) with the same ldif of OpenLDAP 1.2 and crash without any error
message at ~100 queries p/s; (w Berkeley DB 2.X and 3.X (3.X is more
slow than 2.x))

On Wed, 11 Apr 2001 19:25:39 -0700
Ron Chmara <ron@Opus1.COM> wrote:

> On Wednesday, April 11, 2001, at 12:45  PM, Rafael Neitzel wrote:
> > What is the limits for OpenLDAP 1.2 and 2.0.7?
> > - # of entries
> > - Size o DB
> > - # SRCH Per second
> > There are any people who run OpenLDAP with 2 Millions of entries or
> > greater?
> You need to write clearer questions about the limits. Since openldap
> can be distributed on multiple servers, there aren't *any* hard limits. 
> Depending
> on the database engine and filesystem, that can affect the limits per 
> node,
> but if you have 500 openldap servers, you could easily handle many more
> entries than if you only have one old 486/66 machine with a 200Mb hard 
> drive.
> If you are referring to "on a single server", even then, these limits 
> depend on
> your hardware, your OS, your choice in backends.
> I recommend that you instead create sample data sets, and test those
> yourself, to see what choices will accomodate your data set.
> -Ronabop

Rafael Rocha Neitzel <rneitzel@terra.com.br>/<rneitzel@corp.terra.com.br>
Terra Networks Brasil - www.terra.com.br
(51) 2844277 - (51) 99169095