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Re: Small HOWTO about OpenLDAP2, SASL, Kerberos and SSL/TLS (Was: OpenLDAP2 and SASL/Kerberos)

Quoting Will Day <willday@rom.oit.gatech.edu>:

> >Specified the FQDN where?
> >Where did it default to localhost?
> >How did you solve it?

> Prior to setting up sasl/gssapi, doing a simple bind with admin password
> worked, and it appeared to be talking to port 389 on "localhost", as we had
> not specified a hostname for the LDAP server in ldap.conf, nor on the
> command line.  I'm guessing that this fails with sasl/gssapi because it is
> unable to get a kerberos service ticket for "ldap/localhost".

I see, oki I updated the HOWTO with that information, thanx.
"http://www.bayour.com/kerberos/Kerberos-MiniHOWTO.html#15.Testing OpenLDAP v2|outline"

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