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Re: problem with jpegPhoto...

That would simply store the string of the file's name into jpegPhoto.
Supposedly, one can use "jpegPhoto:< /tmp/file.jpg" and have it actually
read the contents, but I've not been able to get that to work. Can anyone
verify this? I have to take the binary data, base64 encode it, and pass
it as "jpegPhoto:: BASE64JUNK" (since a :: after the attribute instead of
 : means it's base64 encoded) done via a secondary program. Really bites,

Xavier FOSSOUO wrote:

> Hello,
> Sorry if this has already been threated.
> I'm trying to add jpeg image to my LDAP base. I've used the jpegPhoto
> attribute but the image is not displaying in the netscape window. Just
> seeing an icon on the place.
> Perhaps i'm not using the attribute well.
> This is the content of my ldif file:
> ---------------BEGIN here-----------
> dn:cn=Xavier Fossouo,ou=bac,o=AUF,c=CM
> objectclass:person
> cn:Xavier Fossouo
> uid:xfossouo
> title: Administrateur systeme et reseau
> o:AUF
> ou:bac
> givenname:Xavier
> mail:xavier.fossouo@auf-francophonie.org
> telephonenumber: +237 23 97 45, +237 96 82 50
> l:Yaounde
> jpegPhoto: /tmp/1-fossouo.jpg
> -------------END------------------
> In my slapd.conf file I've specified my directory base as
> /var/ldap/base.
> Is the tmp directory above refering to that directory or to the root
> directory (/)
> of my system?
> What am i doing wrong?
> Thanks in advance
> --
> Xavier FOSSOUO
> Admin. système et réseau
> Tél: B: +237 23 97 45   Cell: +237 96 82 50
> mailto:xavier.fossouo@auf-francophonie.org