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Re: LDAP & Kerberos

>>>>> "Alexander" == Alexander Brinkman <eon@eon.za.net> writes:

    Alexander> Hi all, I'm trying to setup LDAP with Kerberos
    Alexander> authentication, and things are starting to work (after
    Alexander> having read I don't know how many documents and
    Alexander> archives ;)).

I wrote some stuff about this. I'm not finished yet, but maybe you can
find some pointers there...


Very Debian GNU/Linux oriented, but maybe you can see trough that :)

    Alexander> When I do an ldapsearch, the results a what an
    Alexander> anonymous user would also get.

If you just do 'ldapsearch -x ...' then yes, if you do 'ldapsearch -I ...'
then I guess it depends on how you have configured you ACL's...

    Alexander> If so, is there a way to map/bind the Kerberos
    Alexander> principal to a uid in the LDAP directory?

That's what I'd like to know to. I have the krb5PrincipalName attribute
for all my users, and I would like that that would be 'chased' back to the
correct principal and get the password from there...

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