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some Jpegphoto (Base64) questions for browsers


A long time ago I programed a nice frontend to lookup telephones, etc... from our LDAP database. One of the things I used was to pull the jpegphoto attrib. from LDAP and include the Base64 code of the photo in the html file (no url to a photo).

I liked this thing very much... It worked nice with Netscape 4.xx but it didn't work with IE. But ok who needs IE :o)

Now I saw that it didn't work with the new mozilla (netscape 6). Because I'm planning to reprogram the interface soon, but I would like to have that feature working for the future browsers.

Does anyone have a solution for this?? Is it still included in Netscape or is this not a standard in html and do I have to improvise a new way of doing this.

Koen Bosmans