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Re: search filter

Note also that (firstname=k*), unless firstname is defined, would
be Undefined.  You might use givenName instead.

At 02:33 PM 1/17/01 +0100, Pierangelo Masarati wrote:
>"Trapp, Michael" wrote:
>> hi,
>> i've got a problem with openldap-2.0.6
>> ldapsearch -D ... -b ... '(&(uid=d*)(&(name=m*)(firstname=k*)))'
>> returns entries with names starting with any character, not rstricted to m*
>> looks like a search without the '(name=m*)' part.
>> if the search-filter is extended to name=me* only the expected entries are
>> found ...
>> are there any restrictions in the search filter implementation?
>No. The point is that `name' is the base attribute for a number of common
>attributes: cn, commonName, sn, surname, c, countryName, o, organizationName,
>and so on (see schema/core.schema), and the filter `(name=m*)' matches
>all such attributes that start with `m'.
>Take care ...
>Pierangelo Masarati.
>Dr. Pierangelo Masarati               | voice: +39 02 2399 8365
>Dip. Ing. Aerospaziale                | fax:   +39 02 2399 8334
>Politecnico di Milano                 | mailto:masarati@aero.polimi.it
>via La Masa 34, 20156 Milano, Italy   | http://www.aero.polimi.it/~masarati