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RE: slapd.conf on NT

Thanks for the prompt response. But this happens even when I start the
application from the test/data folder

$ ../../Debug/slapd -f ./slapd.conf -d 1
starting slapd...
OpenLDAP -devel Standalone LDAP Server (slapd)daemon_init: listen on
daemon_init: 1 listeners to open...
daemon: initialized ldap:///
daemon_init: 1 listeners opened
../../Debug/slapd init: initiated server.
No objectClass "top" defined in schema
schema prep error
../../Debug/slapd shutdown: freeing system resources.
slapd stopped.
connections_destroy: nothing to destroy.

and here is the slapd.conf

# $OpenLDAP$
# stand-alone slapd config -- for testing
#	with indexing
#include		./data/slapd.at.conf
#include		./data/slapd.oc.conf
include ./schema/core.schema
include ./schema/cosine.schema
include ./schema/inetorgperson.schema
#include ./schema/nis.schema
schemacheck	on
pidfile     ./test-db/slapd.pid
argsfile    ./test-db/slapd.args

# ldbm database definitions

database	ldbm
suffix		"o=University of Michigan, c=US"
directory	./test-db
rootdn		"cn=Manager, o=University of Michigan, c=US"
rootpw		secret
index		objectclass	eq
index		uid	pres,eq,sub
index		cn,sn	pres,eq,sub,subany

I looked for a quick fix due to time crunch. Guess I have to step thru to
verify the hard way.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kurt D. Zeilenga [mailto:Kurt@OpenLDAP.org]
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 12:58 PM
To: narsi@ecal.com
Cc: openldap-software@OpenLDAP.org
Subject: Re: slapd.conf on NT

At 10:38 AM 9/14/00 -0400, Narasimhan Venkateswaran wrote:
>I managed to compile 2.0 on NT 2000/VC++ without SASL and the gnu regexp.
>But slapd wouldnt start with whatever combination of slapd.conf i provide.
>The following is an output from a minimalist configuration.
>$ ./slapd -f slapd.conf -d 399
>slapd.conf: line 18: extra cruft after <dn> in "suffix o=ecal, c=US" line

Your suffix line needs quotes.

suffix "o=ecal, c=US"

>No objectClass "top" defined in schema
>schema prep error

Likely you didn't include core.schema in your slapd.conf file.