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OpenLDAP and aliases

	We are running openldap 1.2.10 standalone server (slapd). My
question is about aliases. I have the following entry for my users :

dn: cn=Alex Dupond, ou=labo5, ou=site3, dc=univ-savoie, dc=fr
objectClass: top
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
cn: Alex Dupond
sn: Dupond
givenName: Alex
mail: Alex.Dupond@univ-savoie.fr
uid: adupond
ou: labo
telephoneNumber: 123456

	and I would like to be able to point to this entry using the
following DN :

	uid=adupond, ou=people, dc=univ-savoie, dc=fr

	so I declared the entry :

dn: uid=adupond, ou=people, dc=univ-savoie, dc=fr
objectClass: alias
aliasedObjectName: cn=Alex Dupond, ou=labo5, ou=site3, dc=univ-savoie, dc=fr

	but it does not seem to work. I could not find any LDIF example
using the alias objectclass. What must I write in the aliasedObjectName
field ?...  Does openldap 1.2.10 support automatic alias translation ?...

	Thanks fot your help...

Amicalement,    /\
Christophe     /  \/\    -----------------------------------------------
              /   /  \   Christophe Harbine      -               C.R.I.R
 /\      /\  / /\/    \  Universite de Savoie   -   Domaine Scientifique    
/  \/\  /  \/\/   /\     73376 Le Bourget du Lac Cedex      -     France
/\    \/     /   /\ \    Tel: +33 4 79 75 87 54 - FAX: +33 4 79 75 87 23
  \    \    /   /  \/\   -----------------------------------------------