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Re: Error with web2ldap and libldap.so.1

Craig Silva - IT Infrastructure Coordinator
Moreland City Council - 90 Bell St. Coburg. 3058
Melbourne. Australia. http://www.moreland.vic.gov.au
Tel: + 61 3 9 240 2355, Fax: + 61 3 9 240 1212
email: csilva@moreland.vic.gov.au

>>> David Leonard <david.leonard@csee.uq.edu.au> 21/02/00 19:41:58 >>> On Mon, 21 Feb 2000, Michael Str÷der raved thusly:

>it looks like -lresolver isn't being dynamically loaded.

| arkansas:d$ nm  /usr/lib/libresolv.a | grep res_search
|          U res_search
| 00000100 T res_search

>and it know that ldapmodule's configure didn't even looking for it...
>I don't know if it should either. If you used the openldap.sh script to
>build ldapmodule, it steals the LIBS variable from openldap's 
>config.status and trusts it!

One symptom of the problem was that I downloaded the ldapmodule source but could not get it to compile. As my earlier message states - I guess that it had something to do with the libldap.so.1 that came out of a openldap-1.2.8 rpm I found on the net.

>> This is a problem with importing the ldapmodule.so. I saw this error
>> several times when ldapmodule.so was not build correctly or shared
>> libs are messed up from older installations. Since you're running
>> Red Hat Linux you might wanna grab a pre-compiled RPM found on
>> http://www.webideal.de/ldap/ and try again with that one.

>yep - that seems like probably the best solution. 
>please let me know if this or anything else fixes the problem for you Craig.

Yep - it appears that it was a broken rpm - and its now OK - thanks

FN:Craig Silva
TEL;WORK:Mobile: 0407357324
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TITLE:It Infrastructure Coordinator