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Microsoft Outlook 98 and OE fail with OpenLDAP

I am trying to use OpenLDAP in conjunction with Microsoft Outlook 98 for a
company directory. (Who isn't?) Anyway, I have been totally unsuccessful. I
have confirmed that OpenLDAP works using ldapsearch. However, when I use
Outlook to perform the query I get a "no entries" error.

I will supply the relevant portions of the debug output of slapd (level 4),
and how I performed the test queries, in the hopes that someone can help
solve this problem. Thanks for that help! :)

First, I created a test database and queried using:

[dpuryear@pear dpuryear]$ ldapsearch -b "dc=WNET" "(cn=BOB*)"
cn=Bob Hope, dc=wnet
cn=Bob Hope

(Note that I explicitly defined the search base to match the way Outlook
works.) The output of slapd is:

SRCH "DC=WNET" 2 0    0 0 0
    filter: (cn=BOB*)
=> ldbm_back_search
ldbm_cache_open (blksize 4096) (maxids 1022) (maxindirect 4)
ldbm_cache_open (blksize 4096) (maxids 1022) (maxindirect 4)
entry_rdwr_rlock: ID: 1
entry_rdwr_runlock: ID: 1
ldbm_cache_open (blksize 4096) (maxids 1022) (maxindirect 4)
entry_rdwr_rtrylock: ID: 1
=> acl_get: edn DC=WNET
entry_rdwr_runlock: ID: 1
entry_rdwr_rlock: ID: 2
=> acl_get: edn CN=MANAGER,DC=WNET
entry_rdwr_runlock: ID: 2
entry_rdwr_rlock: ID: 3
entry_rdwr_runlock: ID: 3
entry_rdwr_rlock: ID: 4
=> acl_get: edn CN=BOB HOPE,DC=WNET
=> acl_get: edn CN=BOB HOPE,DC=WNET
=> acl_get: edn CN=BOB HOPE,DC=WNET
=> acl_get: edn CN=BOB HOPE,DC=WNET
=> acl_get: edn CN=BOB HOPE,DC=WNET
=> acl_get: edn CN=BOB HOPE,DC=WNET
entry_rdwr_runlock: ID: 4

Okay, I now know for a fact that Bob is in there. So, I try using Outlook 98
with name = BOB. FYI, I set the Search Base to WNET in the Directory
Services->Properties field. Anyway, the search fails and slapd spits out:

unknown version 3
SRCH "WNET" 2 3    100 30 0
    filter: (|(mail=BOB*)(|(cn=BOB*)(|(sn=BOB*)(givenname=BOB*))))
    attrs: display-name cn commonname mail othermailbox givenname sn surname
c co organizationname o ou organizationalunitname url homephone
nenumber otherfacsimiletelephonenumber officefax mobile otherpager
officepager p
ager info title telephonenumber l homepostaladdress postaladdress
street department comment postalcode physicaldeliveryofficename initials
nceinformation usercertificate;binary labeleduri manager reports

Okay, so I then turn on the "use simple search filter" options within
Outlook 98 and it still fails. slapd's output is only slightly altered:

unknown version 3
SRCH "WNET" 2 3    100 30 0
    filter: (|(mail=BOB*)(cn=BOB*))
    attrs: display-name cn commonname mail othermailbox givenname sn surname
c co organizationname o ou organizationalunitname url homephone
nenumber otherfacsimiletelephonenumber officefax mobile otherpager
officepager p
ager info title telephonenumber l homepostaladdress postaladdress
street department comment postalcode physicaldeliveryofficename initials
nceinformation usercertificate;binary labeleduri manager reports

The only differences between the queries submitted by ldapsearch and Outlook
are the attrs and the 5 numbers after 'SRCH "WNET"'. (I am unsure of what
the numbers represent.) Has anyone had this problem? Know of a fix?

Thanks for any help!

Dustin Puryear (dpuryear@laserctr.com)
I will never build a sentient computer smarter than I am. - Peter Anspach