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At the end of the LDUP meeting in Washington I introduced a new
topic for discussion: An LDAP Client Update Protocol. This new
protocol is intended to address the following client needs.
1 - Mobile clients that maintain a local copy of directory data.
While off-line, the client uses the local copy of the data.
When the client connects to the network, it synchronizes with
the current directory content and can be optionally notified
about the changes that occur while it is on-line. For example,
a mail client can maintain a local copy of the corporate address
book which it synchronizes with the master copy whenever the client
gets connected to the corporate network.
2 - Applications intending to synchronize heterogeneous data stores.
A meta directory application, for instance, would periodically
retrieve a list of modified entries from the directory, construct
the changes and apply them to a foreign data store.
3 - Clients that need to take certain actions when a directory entry
is modified. For instance, an electronic mail repository may want
to perform a "create mailbox" task when a new person entry is added
to an LDAP directory and a "delete mailbox" task when a person entry
is removed.
This work will draw experience from the LDUP working group, and will
be predominently based upon the DirSync, PSearch, and TSearch drafts.
Since this work is suffiently distinct from LDUP and LDAPext I have
created a new mailing list for discussions on this topic. To subscribe
send a plain text message to ietf-lcup-request@netscape.com with the
word 'subscribe' in the body.
[PSEARCH] M. Smith "A Simple LDAP Change Notification Mechanism", INTERNET-DRAFT
<draft-ietf-ldapext-psearch-01.txt>, August 1998.
[TSEARCH] M.Whal "LDAPv3 Triggered Search Control", INTERNET-DRAFT
<draft-ietf-ldapext-trigger-01.txt>, August 1998.
[DIRSYNC] M. Armijo "Microsoft LDAP Control for Directory Synchronization",
<draft-armijo-ldap-dirsync-00.txt>, August 1999.
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