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RE: a better search?

On Tue, 9 Nov 1999 mikema@crt.com wrote:

> Marco,
> 	Thanks for the response.  I had not created the index.  However,
> when I did set this index up there was no change.  What could I be doing
> wrong?  My search still takes about 60secs on a unix box.  The search has
> the following parameters
> 		$hd_mesg = $hd_ldap->search(
> 			base   => "$base",
> 			filter => "uid=*",
> 			scope => 'sub',
> 			attrs => "uid"
> 	    ) or die "unable to search ldap";
> 	This should search through about 4500 entries. Is it just the fact
> that this many entries causes a slowdown?
> 	- Mike

Did you restart the server after changing the config file?

Derek D. Martin
Senior UNIX Systems/Network Administrator
Arris Interactive