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Re: connection denied

You are likely build with --enable-wrappers and as such
review hosts_access(5).  Adding slapd: ALL to hosts.allow
will allow all access to slapd.

At 02:44 PM 8/31/99 -0400, Doug Kite wrote:
>I am running slapd 1.2.3 on a Red Hat 6.0 Linux machine. I have slapd working
>from the local machine, and can do ldapsearch, add, etc.--but only from the
>local machine. When I try to do a search from another machine, I get a message
>like this (debug 256):
>fd=7 connection from foo.bar.com ( denied.
>so I put in my /etc/ldap/slapd.conf the following line:
>access to * by addr="" read
>But after stopping and restarting slapd, it still denies the connection. What
>else am I missing? Even with debug set to 65535, it still just gives that one
>line error.
>Any ideas appreciated.
>Doug Kite