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Outlook 2000 access to OpenLDAP

Hi there

	I created a brand new OpenLDAP 2.0.7 server on a RH 7.0.1 box and it seems
to work fine.

	I created my directory and I can browse it using php/web tools, a Java Ldap
browser or the maxware directory explorer but I would like browse it and
search through Outlook 2000 (name resolution,..).
	I tried to install the ldap service under outlook, I gave all the usual
settings but nothing appears and there is no error message.

	Is it possible? And if yes what do I need to do to see my entries? Do I
need special attributes, or a particular firectory structure?

	Here is my directory structure if it helps:

	dn: o=internet

	dn: dc=company, o=internet
	objectclass: domain
	objectclass: top
	dc: company

	dn: dc=France, dc=company, o=internet
	objectclass: domain
	objectclass: top
	dc: France

	dn: cn=Stan Laurel,dc=France, dc=company, o=Internet
	objectclass: inetorgperson
	objectclass: organizationalperson
	objectclass: person
	objectclass: top
	cn: Stan Laurel
	sn: Laurel
	givenname: Stan
	telephonenumber : 6546546465

	Thank you for any help
