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Re: modify DNs in PHP
You can't do this directly with PHP, but you can do it pretty easily with a few lines of code (watch my syntax it may not be perfect):
$filter = "(objectclass=*)";
$basedn = "cn=john,ou=marketing,dc=company,dc=country";
$server = "servername";
$bindas = "name";
$bindpassword = "password";
$Server = ldap_connect....
$bind = ldap_bind(....
$searchresult = ldap_search($Server, $basedn, $filter);
$info = get_ldap_entries($Server,$searchresult);
$newdn = "cn=john,ou=support,dc=company,dc=country";
$newinfo = $info[0];
$newinfo["dn"] = $newdn;
$addresult = ldap_add ($Server, $newdn, $newinfo);
$delresult = ldap_delete($Server, $info[0]["dn"]);
That should more or less do what you need (once the syntax is cleaned up :)).
Tomas Kucera wrote:
does anybody know how to change DNs to another one?
I have this dn:
and I would change it to:
but when I dont know how to do it in php
there is a function ldap_modify but its seems to work only with common
(o> Tomas Kucera (kuca) student 6.rocniku FEL CVUT
// \ tom.kucera@sh.cvut.cz, tomas@globe.cz
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