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Re: Getting Passwords out of LDAP

At 03:54 PM 10/30/00 -0800, Morris, Cavan wrote:
>I have an LDAP directory that is storeing user passwords in clear text and I
>would like to be able to get a users password with a client program.

userPassword is user attribute.  Any appropriately authorized client
*should* be able to read the values stored in the attribute.  I suggest
you use ldapsearch(1) or similar pre-existing tool to test whether
or not a client can read the attribute.  If this works, then the
problem is likely with your code.  For help with using Netscape's Java
SDK, I suggest you use one of the Netscape specific forums such
as: news://news.mozilla.org/netscape.public.mozilla.directory

>Do I need to do something special to retrieve the password?
