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Re: LDAP and Firewalls

Hi All,
I'm currently looking into LDAP enabling our product. The product's architecture has Java applets on the client, which can be used from outside a Firewall and C++ servers inside the Firewall. The LDAP server where I intend to store user preferences etc. will be inside the Firewall. Ideally, I'd like to use JNDI to talk to the LDAP server from the Java Applets, however, I'm unsure of the security restrictions imposed by Firewalls on LDAP. I'm aware that there are LDAP proxies available in the market that make it possible for internet clients to talk to LDAP servers inside the firewall, but I'm not sure how widespread the use of these proxies is. Also I'm not sure if its common practice to access LDAP servers from outside the Firewall. I think companies might be a little reluctant to allow complete access to LDAP servers from the Internet, in which case the LDAP integration should be done inside the firewall.
Any insights on this will be greatly appreciated.