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Re: How do I disable Netscape "Roaming access server"

It is more difficult than that (even a non Linux person could work that out)
Netscape will not start.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kurt D. Zeilenga" <Kurt@OpenLDAP.org>
To: "Jim Hud" <jdhz@btinternet.com>
Cc: <openldap-general@OpenLDAP.org>
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2000 8:14 PM
Subject: Re: How do I disable Netscape "Roaming access server"

> At 07:07 PM 10/21/00 +0100, Jim Hud wrote:
> >I am busy with OpenLDAP on NT4 but recently I was "playing" with OpenLDAP
> >my (new to me)  SuSE 6.4.
> >
> >When I try and start Netscape under SuSE  I get "Please enter your logon
> >information to be used when retrieving your user progile from your
> >Access server".  The options button on the same box indicates it is
> >something to do with ldap.
> >
> >I have obviously done something, how do I disable the roaming access?
> Select the "Edit" menu, select the "Preferences" menu item,
> select "Roaming Access" Category, de-select "Enable
> Roaming Access for this Profile" option, push "Okay" button.
> The version of Netscape you are using may require a slightly
> different sequence.
> Kurt