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Re: user autheniticate by openldap

At 10:52 PM 10/19/00 +0800, tin@tinwong.com wrote:
>hi i'm a new user of ldap did anyone can send me some sample setting file
>for me? (for study)  about user autheniticate by openldap build look like NIS
>thank you very much

For OpenLDAP specific setup, I suggest you see our FAQ,
quick start guides, and direct any OpenLDAP-specific setup
to the openldap-software mailing list.

For how to use LDAP as an NIS replacement,  you might be
interested in checking out PADL's nssldap.  Their
website is http://www.padl.com/ and have mailing list for
related issues at nssldap@padl.com.  PADL also offers
pamldap <pamldap@padl.com>, a LDAP aware PAM module.
