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Re: storing names for sorting

At 01:50 PM 10/11/00 +0200, Joeri van Ruth wrote:
>When storing people in a database, one often wants to sort them by
>their last name.  But sometimes, parts of the last name should be
>ignored while sorting.  For example, my name is "Joeri van Ruth", and
>my last name is "van Ruth", but my name should be listed under "R", not
>under "v".  
>Which attribute can best be used for storing the part of the last name
>that is relevant for sorting?

I'm not aware of any attribute specifically designed for such.
I suggested defining something like:

  ( 1.1 NAME ( 'ln' 'listingName ) 
        DESC 'a name used to determine listing order'
        SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
