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Re: Windows version

At 11:43 AM 10/9/00 -0400, Tao Zhao wrote:
>I'm new to LDAP and want to let a Windows NT/2000 machine talk to a LDAP
>server installed in a linux box. In the every end of announcement webpage
>(http://www.openldap.org/software/release/announce.html), it says the
>release has been ported to Windows NT/2000 already.  But I couldn't find
>any link to the windows version. Could anybody give me a pointer so I can
>download the windows version?

Please direct questions specific to OpenLDAP Software
to the OpenLDAP-software mailing list.  See
http://www.openldap.org/lists/#charter for appropriate
list use.

Quick answer: OpenLDAP Software is available at:


The tarballs include source for all ports (including
the NT port).  See archives of the software list for
further information.