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Re: Another try (scalability, usage)

Using OpenLDAP (with minor changes) for a big company internal security.

Adam Haberlach wrote:

> o. Is anyone using OpenLDAP for large (10,000 or so) directories?  Does it
> work well at this level?  How heirarchial is your schema?  We're looking at
> a situation in which most users will be in one organizational unit (mainly
> for authentication).

About 25000 entries (20000 people), with basically no hierarchy (a flat directory
for people, a rough one-level hierarchy for organizational units, soft links
people and OUs and between deeper hierarchical levels of OUs). We're doing
basically authentication, but also redirection for proxies (say, the profile of a
contains the "groups" he's associated to, and some groups are associated with
that build up the set of URLs the person can access) and other things of this
we use a master server and three replicas, and there is a lot of updating nightly
some continuous updating daily, mainly password changing by the users and
addition/removal of these "groups". No problems axcept for some index corruption
every now and them. I've never been able to track the reason, but I always keep
a backup db that is updated separately from the main one, for emergencies.

> o. Is anyone storing arbitrary data?  We are also looking at storing
> alternate versions of filesystems, for revision tracking.

Well, kindof. I'm storing photos in the user's profiles, some 2K gif files.
I do not suggest using ldap for storing a filesystem, and I pushed towards using
instead of the actual pictures in the DS. At present it is performing well, but
I don't
know what to expect in case of larger files.

Bye, Pierangelo Masarati