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Re: DNS information in LDAP

FYI, I think the MetaIP product from checkpoint.com does the same tyep of
thing with a nice Applet GUI and round trip DNS between config files and

Also, I would be interested in the code.  Thank you.

On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, Manuel Guesdon wrote:

> On Wed, 12 Jul 2000 08:44:28 -0700 (PDT) Dan Rich wrote:
>  >| 
>  >| Has anyone setup an LDAP schema for holding DNS zone and host information?
>  >| I've found a couple of expired drafts that discuss schemas for doing this,
>  >| but nothing recent.  Given the choice, I'd rather not have to do this from
>  >| scratch if I can avoid it.
>  >| 
>  >| My main goal is to place everything I would need to build my DNS zone
>  >| files into LDAP.  This would allow for easy maintainence (via. one of the
>  >| existing LDAP web tools), and it should be fairly trivial to develop
>  >| scripts that would pull the data and actually build the zone files.
> We've done that to enable some customers to manage their DNS
> records by themselves (including creation of domains).
> They enter DNS information within a web interface (made with
> PHP) which update the LDAP database. Every 2 hours, DNS
> records are extracted by a perl script (on a master and on a
> slave DNS hosts) which generate bind files and call ndc
> reload. Web interface is very simple and close to find editing process.
> Not very very intellectualy satifying but it works very well
> since the begining of this year, absolutely no problems.
> Today, it handles 376 domains. I can give you PHP and perl
> code.
> Manuel
> --