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Re: [ldap] NIS, DCE and /etc/passwd replacement

On May 26,  6:24pm, Simon Woods wrote:
> Subject: Re: [ldap] NIS, DCE and /etc/passwd replacement
> Gerard Ranke wrote:
> I don't understand..
> How come only the shadow passwords get read using v3 LDAP? Did you set up
your nsd
> server to use v2 LDAP?
> in /var/ns/ldap.conf in the server configuration:
> server
> version 2
> base    "o=nis, c=DE"
> scope   subtree         ; subtree, onelevel, sbase
> I don't use shadow passwords, but everything else works (at least most of the
> time!)
> Simon.
>-- End of excerpt from Simon Woods

Well, actually, all the reading was done v3. And the bind always failed, as far
as I can tell. But I had the password attributes configured world-readable, so
that didn't make any difference.

I must admit, I completely overlooked the 'version' keyword in the conf file
and all the man pages... I feel very stupid right now, but thanks a lot for
pointing this out to me! I'll try again on monday.

