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Re: Password sync with LDAP?

>Is this assumption accurate?  Can I put traditional DES hashes in LDAP, and
>does this mess with anyone's ability to auth against LDAP?  Does anyone do
>this?  Example scripts, perhaps?

Yes, you can do it; look at the MigrationTools on ftp.padl.com. It mightn't
mix well with Netscape's NT synch utility though.

>After that, does anyone have a way of sync'ing OpenLDAP auth with NT?  A
>colleague says that Win2k is starting to come with NIS functionality, and if
>so, that could be exciting.

Well, there is a NIS server for W2K, if that's exciting for you :-)

It is backended onto AD.

-- Luke
Luke Howard | Darwin Developer | PADL Software Pty Ltd
www.padl.com | lukeh@darwin.apple.com | lukeh@padl.com