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ldap2bibtex - directory based BibTeX database

Hi to all the OpenLDAP community.

While I was working at my PhD thesis, which I wrote in LaTeX,
and at the same time playing with OpenLDAP software, I implemented
a nice, simple client that allows to store bibliographic entries on a
server, to make them easily browsable, and, at the same time, that
allows to create a (hopefully) reliable BibTeX database to generate
a document's bibliography. You can find the source code at


and you can see it at work (hopefully, I'm very lazy at maintaining my
pages ;-) at


Of course it needs a lot of work. A few points are on a TODO list, like

      - add authenticated bind for ldap2bibtex command (at present
        the BibTeX entries are assumed to be world-readable)

      - split authors on a multivalue attribute, and reconstruct author
        when generating BibTeX database

      - allow bibtex entries to be subclasses of a larger entry (at
present, no
        things like "objectclass: top" are allowed, not even extra
        and so)

      - BibTeX requires mutually exclusive attributes, as in BOOK and
        related entry types either VOLUME or NUMBER are allowed,
        but mutually exclusive, while INBOOK requires EDITOR or AUTHOR,
        but not both. To my knowledge there is no easy way to enforce
        schema restraint in LDAP.

I made it for fun; if anything like this (or hopefully better) already
please let me know. Have fun, and send me any feedback.

Pierangelo Masarati.

Pierangelo Masarati             | voice: ++39(02)2399-8393
Dip. Ing. Aerospaziale          | fax:   ++39(02)2399-8334
Politecnico di Milano           |
via La Masa 34, 20158 Italy     | mailto:masarati@aero.polimi.it

Pavia, Italy