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Re: web2ldap.py 0.6.6: WWW gateway for accessing LDAP servers

Chris Garrigues wrote:
> > I would like to announce a new version of web2ldap,
> I just installed this, but when I try to run it, I get this in my apache error
> log:
> Traceback (innermost last):
>   File "/home/httpd/cgi-bin/web2ldap.py", line 1771, in ?
>     PrintHeader('',http_charset)
>   File "/home/httpd/cgi-bin/web2ldap.py", line 290, in PrintHeader
>     print """<HEAD>
> AttributeError: html_head

Did you upgrade from an old version and kept your old web2ldapcnf?
You have to add new parameters (and throw old ones away).

Note: text may be wrapped!
------------------------ snip ------------------------
# Additional information in <HEAD></HEAD> section, e.g. CSS.
# Do not put <TITLE> tags in here!
html_head = r"""
  <LINK rel=stylesheet type="text/css"

# Rudimental configuration for <BODY>-tag
html_bodybegin = r"""
------------------------ snip ------------------------

Yeah, I know. I should write docs...

Ciao, Michael.