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Re: Five fundamental questions from a newbie

On 14 Jan 00, at 15:18, Michael Ströder wrote:

> "Kurt D. Zeilenga" wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > >What is it good for that one makes an entry belong to more than
> > >one objectClass?
> > 
> > It is generally best to extended schema using auxiliary object
> > classes...
> Are you sure? IMHO it depends much on the application. An
> application might be unhappy with your own auxiliary object class.
I'll bet that applications will be much happier with auxillary 
objectclasses than with you changing standardized schemas. 

Actually an application shouldn't care. If it does that's a bug in the 
application and should be fixed.

> Just food for thought...
> Ciao, Michael.