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Re: Five fundamental questions from a newbie

We are currenlty useing Samba as a pdc for an hibrid network of NT
Workstation and 98 clients.  It works great.  We are just now starting to
add the LDAP support.  Should be quite benificial.

Sean Cook
Systems Analyst

Phone: 804.673.2253    1.888.335.8378
email: sdc@edutest.com

On Thu, 13 Jan 2000, Wil Cooley wrote:

> On Thu, 13 Jan 2000, Marian Steinbach wrote:
> > 5) Windows NT 4 Intgration
> > 
> > Same as above for Windows NT. Windows NT Server as PDC or Samba would
> > do fine, other suggestions are welcome too.
> I haven't done this, but I think it can be done.  I've heard that 2.0.6
> samba supports LDAP, and there is experimental support for using Samba as
> a PDC.  So yes, you should.
> Wil
> -- 
> W. Reilly Cooley                           wcooley@nakedape.cc
> The LNX System: Linux for a 2U case.           http://lnxs.org
> 1900s: Sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll
> 2000s: pr0n, warez, MP3z
> 	-Kronq