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Re: RH61 pam_ldap

On Wed, 12 Jan 2000, Purwanto wrote:

> I just try pam_ldap as auth metode on Redhat61.
> Only user that i migrate from /etc/passwd can login.
> I try to add new user on ldap using ldap_add and web500gw, but didnot
> work (back to login prompt after typing passwd).
> Is that any user management for ldap ?

Not sure if this helps, but I got the pam_ldap and nss_ldap modules
working with openldap this last weekend, and I can do non-migrated user

How I'm doing it is to use 'gq' and use a migrated user as a template for
a new entry. Works well.

Also make sure you are using the latest modules from www.padl.com. I used
some older ones, and had nothing but problems.
