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Re: Production use of OpenLDAP

Soop, Christoffer wrote:

> Well... I was hoping to find a reference case in the size of the CNN/Novell
> deal (http://www.novell.com/lead_stories/1999/dec14/index.html).
> In this case the application initially has to handle 10 000 concurrent users
> out of a total 400 000

Hi Christoffer,

I hope this is what you are looking for: we are using OpenLDAP in a production
environment for about 60'000 users (about 4000 concurrent). We use
Multiple-Masters (a patch I sent to the ITS and which will be included in 2.0
as far as I know) to avoid a single point of failure (24/7 uptime) and share
the load over a level 4 switch. LDAP is used as the central directory for the
following services: HTTP, FTP, Radius, AFP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP and SMB.
The numbers are not as high as you proposed it but we had no problems since we
started (May 99) and we expect the user count to increase more in the future.
