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RE: Netmeeting and OpenLDAP

Check the archives from sometime between June and September of last year...
I recall a post to this list with some sample configuration files and schema
additions relating to this.

-----Original Message-----
From: knute@tiscalinet.it [mailto:knute@tiscalinet.it]
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2000 10:05 PM
To: openldap-general@OpenLDAP.org
Subject: Netmeeting and OpenLDAP

Hi All!

First of all,sorry for my poor english:(

I wonder if there's some way to use OpenLDAP as ILS server for netmeeting.

I tried with basic conf. but it doesn't worked, now i'm wondering if it's
only a matter of 
configuration ,or is the MS implementatin of LDAP slighty different from the
standard one?

And ,if is only a configuration problem ,where can i get some useful hints
in order to make Netmeeting 
work properly with openldap?
