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Re: 1.2 performance question

On 15-Feb-99 Kurt D. Zeilenga wrote:
> At 11:46 AM 2/15/99 -0800, Sumit A. Vakil wrote:
>>I'm running OpenLDAP release 1.2 on a FreeBSD 2.2.x system, with the
>>BerkeleyDB version 2.3.16.  Both the server and the DB are compiled without
>>thread support.
>>The nature of our application requires frequent writes and deletes to the
>>DB.  The search performance is fine initially, but begins to degrade in a
>>few days.  Running slapd with the debug option prints out debug information
>>of the type:
>>candidate 4017 not found
>>candidate 4018 not found
>>candidate 4019 not found
>>candidate 11212 not found
> Running with debugging level set to ARGS (or TRACE or ACLS or most
> anything) will significantly decrease your performance.
>>I suspect that my performance problems are because an id does not get
>>deleted if the corresponding entry is deleted.  Is this correct, and if yes,
>>is there a fix?
> When the search filter needs to be applied to ALL id's within the
> backend, the server basically enters a for loop running from id 1
> to max id.  The loop reports any id which doesn't exist to
> LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS.  It's a feature.  Just disable ARGS debugging.

Also, if this is the case, a search you are doing is scanning all the ID's, you
might try to create some indexes on used atributes.

Pedro Melo                      pedro.melo@co.ip.pt
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Linux: up 25 days and 19:52, 6 users,  load average: 1.00, 0.90, 0.70