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ldapmodify and RDNs and Berkeley db2.6.4

<newbie alert>

Can I not modify attributes for an entry like:

cn=mark, o=org, c=CA with ldapmodify? The man pages (BUGS section for
slapd) state this won't work (if my DN is "o=org, c=CA"). Is this true?

Also, after creating this database with ldapadd, I can see my new entry
with netscape 'address' (cool) yet ldapsearch on the same db fails:

ldapsearch -D "o=org, c=CA" 'objectclass=*'   // (as per the Quick-Start
Guide to Running slapd)
(adding a "cn=mark" (my entry) fails with the same message:

ldap_search: No such object

:-( Stumped.

I would like to define a schema (all of my available attributes) for my
test company, yet I am reluctant to do so as if I can't get anything out
of ldapsearch I must be configuring elements/attributes/DNs wrong.

</newbie alert>

Any help is appreciated.

1999 - The year of the penguin.