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Problems with ldapadd

okay, using openldap 1.1.2 on RedHat 5.1.  Everything compiled cleanly,
but now I don't seem to be able to add anything.  The output of ldapadd
is as follows:

[root@ens bin]# ./ldapadd -c -f \
adding new entry cn=Test User
ldap_add: DSA is unavailable
ldap_add: additional info: Can't chase referral

Here is what slapd -d 256 reports:

conn=10 fd=7 connection from ens.utulsa.edu ( accepted.
conn=10 op=0 BIND dn="" method=128
conn=10 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0
conn=10 op=1 ADD dn="cn=Test User"
conn=10 op=1 RESULT err=9 tag=105 nentries=0
conn=10 op=2 UNBIND
conn=10 op=2 fd=7 closed errno=0

Here is the file I using with the -f option:

dn: cn=Test User
cn: Test User
mail: testing@ens.utulsa.edu

Here is my slapd.conf file:

include         /opt/ldap/etc/openldap/slapd.at.conf
include         /opt/ldap/etc/openldap/slapd.oc.conf
schemacheck     off
referral        ldap://ldap.itd.umich.edu

# ldbm database definitions

database        ldbm
suffix          "dc=ens, dc=utulsa"
#suffix         "o=Your Organization Name, c=US"
directory       /home/ldap
rootdn          "cn=root, dc=ens, dc=utulsa"
#rootdn         "cn=root, o=Your Organization Name, c=US"
rootpw          secret

Here is my ldap.conf file:
# LDAP Defaults

BASE    dc=utulsa, dc=edu
HOST    ens.utulsa.edu

#HOST   ldap.openldap.org ldap-master.openldap.org:666
#PORT   389

#SIZELIMIT      12
#TIMELIMIT      15
#DEREF          never

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  

-- Keith Schoenefeld