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RE: Searching Problems

This worked.  Thank you.  But now how do I get a program such as Outlook to
correctly querty the database using those parameters?  Is there a way to set

-- Jason
-----Original Message-----
From: Craig McClanahan [mailto:cmcclanahan@mytownnet.com]
Sent: Monday, January 04, 1999 5:28 PM
To: Jason McCormick; openldap-general@openldap.org
Subject: Re: Searching Problems

Jason McCormick wrote:

>   I still cannot get my database to work correctly.  When I issue
> "ldapsearch -h 'objectclass=*'" I get "ldap_search: No such
> object".  I followed exactly the proceedures outlined in the UMich
> manual.

I got exactly the same results until, out of desparation, I tried adding
the base URL option.  In your case, try:

ldapsearch -h -b 'o=SATEC, c=US' 'objectclass=*'

and see what happens.

Craig McClanahan