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Re: Please test RE24

Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
--On Monday, March 16, 2009 12:25 AM +0100 Rein Tollevik
<rein@OpenLDAP.org>  wrote:

Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
--On Monday, March 16, 2009 12:13 AM +0100 Rein Tollevik
<rein@OpenLDAP.org>  wrote:
Yes, I saw that.  But not the backtrace you should provide.  So whether
your bug is anywhere related to the problems Howard have fixed or not I
can only guess.  To me at least, the current HEAD works way better than
RE24, and fixes at least one serious replication bug that is in RE24.
I sent the backtrace and testrun to Howard specifically. ;)  And I
agree, it seems things are better.
Hm, time to take your own "keep replies on the list" medicine? ;-)

Not really, I didn't say I was going to specifically send the reply on the list, and I generally spend lots of time debugging with Howard outside of the scope of the lists. ;)

And unfortunately I had no time to do any more debugging until now; with St. Patrick's Day this Tuesday I had gigs all weekend. I also see that the test050 run I left overnight eventually crashed, and the symptoms are the same as in Quanah's. So, there's still more to track down.

For reference:

violino:~/OD/hobj/tests/testrun> grep rid=003 !$
grep rid=003 slapd.1.log
=>do_syncrepl rid=003
do_syncrepl: rid=003 retrying (9 retries left)
=>do_syncrepl rid=003
=>do_syncrep2 rid=003
=>do_syncrepl rid=003
=>do_syncrep2 rid=003
olcSyncrepl: {2}rid=003 provider=ldap://localhost:9013/ binddn="cn=config" bin
=>do_syncrepl rid=003
=>do_syncrep2 rid=003
olcSyncrepl: {2}rid=003 provider=ldap://localhost:9013/ binddn="cn=config" bin
=>do_syncrepl rid=003
=>do_syncrepl rid=003
=>do_syncrep2 rid=003
do_syncrepl: rid=003 quitting

The odd thing here of course is that it should never jump from '9 retries left' to 'quitting', there should be at least 9 failures / retry messages. Seems like we have a wild memory overwrite occurring.

  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp.           http://www.symas.com
  Director, Highland Sun     http://highlandsun.com/hyc/
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP  http://www.openldap.org/project/