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Re: Enforce serverID 0 is for single-master only

----- "Howard Chu" <hyc@symas.com> wrote:

> Rein Tollevik wrote:
> > ServerID 0 should be reserved for single-master configurations, ref
> > http://www.openldap.org/lists/openldap-bugs/200809/msg00131.html. 
> But
> > this is neither enforced in the code, nor mentioned in the doc. as
> far
> > as I can see.
> I guess you should file a doc ITS for that. I don't think it's been a
> critical 
> issue so far since most deployments were coming from 2.3 where there
> was no 
> serverID or MMR to begin with, and the docs state that a serverID is
> required 
> for MMR.

I'll add it to the rest of fixes needed for the replication section too.


Kind Regards,

Gavin Henry.
OpenLDAP Engineering Team.

E ghenry@OpenLDAP.org

Community developed LDAP software.
