Michael Ströder writes:
Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:
Assertion controls in the generated LDIF, to check that the config entry
being updated indeed matches the entry we read from cn=config and
BTW: web2ldap implements delta-modification. The entry is re-read right
before the delta of the current entry and the user's input is generated.
This works quite well since years with several LDAP servers. If there
was a modification in between the delta modification still applies
Not sure if I should be writing this since I've hardly looked at
web2ldap yet, but anyway... I don't quite get that. I'd think a
correct delta would be generated by comparing with the entries as they
looked when the user started editing. Minus any changes that have
happened already. With back-config I would _not_ my changes to be
applied without asking me if there had been changes since I started
editing, hence my suggestion of assertions. A delta agains the current
directory would be useful to see if my own changes conflict in intent
with the changes that have already happened (regardless of whether my
changes would apply cleanly.)