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Re: last call for testing 2.3, 2.4

<quote who="Quanah Gibson-Mount">
> --On Wednesday, October 24, 2007 8:18 AM +0100 Gavin Henry
> <ghenry@suretecsystems.com> wrote:
>> <quote who="Quanah Gibson-Mount">
>>> Please test current tip for 2.3 and 2.4.  All known issues are believed
>>> fixed at this time.  If there are no problem reports by tomorrow noon
>>> my
>>> time, I plan on tagging for release 2.3.39 and 2.4.6.
>> 2.3 still all ok. I've had to move test020 out, and then everything
>> passes
>> in 2.4
> Hm, are you sure you have the test020 that was updated today to get around
> the issue you were seeing?  I still have no problems with it.

I've just deleted it and done an cvs up, pass everytime. I did a cvs up
last night, but must not have got it in time.

With a cvs up, make clean and new build. All ok.

Thanks for the reminder.

> --Quanah
> --
> Quanah Gibson-Mount
> Principal Software Engineer
> Zimbra, Inc
> --------------------
> Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration