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Re: "Upgrading from 2.3.x" section in Changes Appendix for Admin Guide
<quote who="Howard Chu">
> Gavin Henry wrote:
>> With rootdn added, I now have a working 2.4.X slave with a 2.3.38 master
>> via delta-syncrepl.
>> Can you remind me what you can write to in cn=monitor with a rootpw
>> setting? I'm sure ando told me and I'll go dig in the archives.
> Off the top of my head, you can modify the server's debug level, as well
> as the
> read-only setting for any database. (Same caveat about the read-only flag
> applies as for cn=config though - if you set the frontend to read-only,
> you
> can't make any more modifications, so you can't toggle it back again
> without
> restarting the server.)
Ah, yes. I'm still looking for the other thread, so I'll doc this in the
monitor section.
Maybe Ando will get chance to read over the monitor section, as it was
written with 2.3.x in mind.
> --
> -- Howard Chu
> Chief Architect, Symas Corp. http://www.symas.com
> Director, Highland Sun http://highlandsun.com/hyc/
> Chief Architect, OpenLDAP http://www.openldap.org/project/