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Re: Re: Question about the config branch

Hello Howard Chu and Pierangelo Masarati,

    Thank you two very much to help me to understand it. Today I read X.500 and find an example to help me to understand. But I still not very clear.

    I read the example K.3 in X.501.

    It use the "DIT Structure Rules" to set where the entry could be put in the DIT. Right?

    But I still don't know, where set the rdn of organizationalPerson is commonName not surname?

         person OBJECT-CLASS ::= {
                   SUBCLASS OF { top }
                   MUST CONTAIN { commonName | surname }
                   MAY CONTAIN { description |
                                 telephoneNumber |
                                 userPassword |
                                 seeAlso }
                   ID id-oc-person }

         organizationalPerson OBJECT-CLASS ::= {
                   SUBCLASS OF { person }
                   MAY CONTAIN { LocaleAttributeSet |
                                 PostalAttributeSet |
                                 TelecommunicationAttributeSet |
                                 organizationalUnitName |
                                 title }
                   ID id-oc-organizationalPerson }

    In the orgPersonNameForm NAME-FORM ::= {
                  NAMES organizationalPerson
                  WITH ATTRIBUTES { commonName }
                  AND OPTIONALLY { organizationalUnitName }
                  ID id-nf-orgPersonNameForm }

    Thank you very mcuh!

    And is there a plane to implement these functions in OpenLdap?


Best regards, 
======= At 2005-12-16, 17:37:19 you wrote: =======

>Pierangelo Masarati wrote:
>> On Fri, 2005-12-16 at 08:40 +0000, sparklezou@hotmail.com wrote:
>>> And I also think in the schema syntax, it would be better if there 
>>> exists an attribute named "rdn", not only MAST and MAY. for example:
>>>     objectclass ( NAME 'person'
>>> 	DESC 'RFC2256: a person'
>>> 	MUST ( sn $ cn )
>>> 	MAY ( userPassword $ telephoneNumber $ seeAlso $ description ) )
>>>     Modified to:
>>>     objectclass ( NAME 'person'
>>> 	DESC 'RFC2256: a person'
>>>           RDN ( sn )
>>> 	MUST ( cn )
>>> 	MAY ( userPassword $ telephoneNumber $ seeAlso $ description ) )
>>>    It defines that this objectclass should use sn to identify the entry, 
>>> not cn.
>>>    what about your idea?
>The schema definition language is defined in X.500 and as Ando says, 
>that discussion is beyond the scope of this forum. I suggest you read 
>X.501 section 13.7 "DIT structure definition", if you want to know how 
>to specify naming attributes in schema. This is particularly addressed 
>in section 13.7.2 "Name form definition."
>> "your" idea seems not appropriate for this forum, as it violates the
>> LDAP data model while not being related to OpenLDAP software
>> development.  Also, you chose a bad example, as it would not be
>> realistic that standard track schema changes this way, even if your
>> suggestion gets accepted.
>Since X.500 already provides a means for defining naming attributes I 
>don't think this suggestion has any merit. Of course, OpenLDAP doesn't 
>currently implement DIT structure rules; whether and how to implement 
>those would probably be relevant for this forum.
>  -- Howard Chu
>  Chief Architect, Symas Corp.  http://www.symas.com
>  Director, Highland Sun        http://highlandsun.com/hyc
>  OpenLDAP Core Team            http://www.openldap.org/project/

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