Quanah Gibson-Mount writes:
--On Monday, March 14, 2005 11:45 PM +0100 Hallvard B Furuseth
<h.b.furuseth@usit.uio.no> wrote:
I'd like a slapd.conf option to:
- log directly to a file in order to avoid the overhead with
communication with the syslog daemon,
- allow buffered output to the file instead of line by line output,
Interesting idea, but the write overhead is going to be a hit no
matter how you handle it.
Two hits can be avoided: Syslog's line buffering to the log file,
and the communication with the syslog process.
At least on linux, you can use asynchronous
logging. In some testing I did, I found that there was no difference
between loglevel 0 and loglevel 256 when asynchronous syslog was used.
Thanks, I didn't know about asynchronous logging. Will try when I have
time to set up a test machine where I can risk running slapd+syslog into
the ground.
BTW, anyone got a test program which bombards slapd with configurable
search requests and has some fantasy about varying search parameters and
how many outstanding requests and connections to have at the same time?