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RE: simple paged results ( rfc2696 ) - has anyone look at this?

Yes. I wrote an implementation of the client side of simple paged results a bit ago, and tested it pretty thoroughly with MS AD, which is the only server I know that uses paging. I wrote it for use with NSS LDAP, but I did intend to offer it to the OpenLDAP developers - just haven't got round to it. If you are interested, I'll post the code - it's one extra source file plus some changes to ldap.h. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kervin L. Pierre [mailto:kervin@blueprint-tech.com]
> Sent: 09 July 2002 04:24
> To: openldap-devel
> Subject: simple paged results ( rfc2696 ) - has anyone look at this?
> I'm looking an application that may need this.  Actually, 
> paged results 
> or virtual list views, but I'm guessing RFC2696 would be 
> easier between 
> the two.
> Has anyone looked at this as yet?  I may take a stab at this, so it 
> would be nice not to have to start from scratch.
> Any info would be appreciated.
> thanks,
> --Kervin