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Using own SSL with LDAP

> Hi,
> I'm trying to use my own SSL library with Mozilla's or openLDAP to
> accomplish LDAP over SSL.  From what I got from documentation, I need to
> use ldap_set_option( ld, LDAP_OPT_IO_FN_PTRS, &my_io_struct) to populate
> the my_io_struct with my own implementation of I/O functions.  Then from
> my client code call ldap_init() and next ldap_set_option().
> What I'm interested is other ldapssl APIs (i.e., ldapssl_client_init(),
> ldapssl_clientauth_init(), etc.).  I would like to have my client
> application to use known APIs such as ldapssl_init(), etc.   Do I have to
> introduce my own APIs that do what these APIs do?  And if so, I would like
> to be as close as to what Netscape or other libraries (if any) done .  Is
> there any documentation or standard that says what ldapssl_init(),
> ldapssl_client_init(), etc. need to accomplish/do?   I don't want to
> reinvent new logic if an acceptable one is already out there.  Am I
> missing something?  
> Can somebody tell what the Netscape software does  when one uses their
> ldap SSL APIs  (at least at high level) , and may be why.  Can you help me
> with some info, docs, sample code, etc.
> Please send replies to my e-mail address.  Thank you very much for your
> input/help.  
> BRs,
> ---Rooben