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OpenLDAP TO DO list

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OpenLDAP To Do List

This is a list of projects that need getting done.  They are defined
by scale of the effort as opposed to priority.  Contribute to
projects based upon your personal priorities.

If you would like to work on any of these projects, please coordinate
by posting to OpenLDAP-devel mailing list:

If you have a project you'd like added to the list, talk it up on
Developer's list or just do it.

Please read:

OpenLDAP 2.x Projects
        Complete Unicode Support
    SLURPD v3 update
    client API update
        Implement ldap-errno draft (deferred)
        Implement per referral callback
        referral chasing options/rebind proc
    Update manual pages

Large projects
Implement slapd backend w/ transaction support
Redesign slapd memory allocation fault handling
Perform a security audit (and fix any hole found)
Implement localization

Medium projects
Modify -lldap to be reentrant/threadsafe implement LDAP
    concurrency and ldap_dup drafts
Modify libraries to use application specified logging routines
Modify servers to use reentrant library functions
Implement authPassword (RFC 3062)

Small projects
Add support for duplicate entry control
Add support for matched values control
Add tests to test suite (ACI, moddn, manageDSAit, subtyping, etc.)
Add compare of RootDSE, cn=subschema, etc.
Add user configurable attributes to RootDSE
Update -lldap TLS checking to fully implement RFC 2829/2830
Create ldapbind (from ldappasswd?) to support bind operations
Create ldapcompare (from ldapsearch) to support compare operations
Create ldapquery (from ldapsearch?) to support searching
    using ldap_getfilter(3)
Update saucer(1) to support LDAPv3 features (and bring into clients)
Update ud(1) to support LDAPv3 features including SASL and TLS
Update ud(1) to include contributed changes
Update any manual page

For additional TODO items, see: