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Buglets in "clients/ud/main.c" ?

As a newcomer, trying to get an OpenLDAP 2.0.7 service developed, I got a
couple of segmentation violations from the "ud" program.  The patch below
fixes them: 

========================== snip =====================
--- main.c.orig	Wed Sep 13 21:19:45 2000
+++ main.c	Fri May  4 14:43:39 2001
@@ -394,6 +394,10 @@
 		cp = strchr(*base, '=');
+		if (cp == NULL) {
+			printf("  No '=' in base %s\n", base);
+			return;
+		}
 		 *  If there isn't a second "=" in the base, then this was
@@ -529,6 +533,10 @@
 		if (vrfy(s)) {
 			StrFreeDup(base, s);
 			printbase(output_string, *base);
+			return;
+		}
+		if (*base == NULL) {
+			printf("  No current base for %s\n", s);
 		/* was it a RDN relative to the current base? */
========================== snip =====================

The lower fixes a problem when duff input such as "cb xyz" is given (with
a default root directory, so *base was NULL). 

The upper fixes a problem when a base without an "=" has somehow got
established (which probably "Shouldn't Happen"(TM), but read on...) 

There is also another problem which I am totally unqualified to attempt
to fix.  The code from around line 406 is:

========================== snip =====================
                if ((cp = strchr(cp, '=')) == NULL)
                        StrFreeDup(base, NULL);
                else {
                         *  Back up to the start of this
                         *      attr=value
                         *  sequence now that 'cp' is pointing to the '='.
                        while(!isspace((unsigned char)*cp))
========================== snip =====================

This is fine if the string was, for example, "dc=thing1, dc=thing2".
But it doesn't handle the supposedly equivalent "dc=thing1,dc=thing2" 
(i.e. without the space). 

[I think this might have led to my getting the peculiar value for "base"
mentioned earlier, possibly as the "cp--" backed up into unrelated data.]

Hope that helps.

Changing subject a little:

Is there an OpenLDAP manual anywhere?  Something somewhat more than
"OpenLDAP 2.0 Administrator's Guide"?  (I have the book "Understanding and
Deploying LDAP Directory Services" (Howes et al), but was was looking for
something more about the mechanics of running a specifically OpenLDAP 2.x


:  David Lee                                I.T. Service          :
:  Systems Programmer                       Computer Centre       :
:                                           University of Durham  :
:  http://www.dur.ac.uk/t.d.lee/            South Road            :
:                                           Durham                :
:  Phone: +44 191 374 2882                  U.K.                  :