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Re: passwd backend: it doesn't work for me without this [PATCH]

Your patch is likely correct.  Please file an issue report
to ensure the change finds it way into the source repository.

At 11:34 PM 12/25/00 -0300, Nicolás Lichtmaier wrote:

> It was failing because the backend was thinking that a query using
>uid=user,<suffix> was from a deeper than 1 level. It was comparing <suffix>
>with <SUFFIX>. I really don't know the difference, I really don't know about
>that "normalization" process, and I don't understand the piece of code that
>follows, which does match <suffix> and set a "matched" variable. But in the
>way this was, it didn't work, and with this patch, it does...
>--- /tmp/openldap-2.0.7/servers/slapd/back-passwd/search.c      Tue Jun 13 14:57:35 2000
>+++ search.c    Mon Dec 25 21:55:10 2000
>@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
>                }
>        } else {
>-               parent = dn_parent( be, base );
>+               parent = dn_parent( be, nbase );
>                /* This backend is only one layer deep. Don't answer requests for
>                * anything deeper than that.